Before knowing the details of Tirupati to Kanchipuram Taxi fare let us know about few details Kanchipuram. Kanchipuram also called as Kanchi. The town is located on the banks of river Vegavathy, now known as Palar River. This place holds great importance for both Shaivism and Vishnavism. This historic place is the center for many battles fought between Shaivite and Vishnavaitees which have destroyed many great sculptures and idols. The history of Kanchi goes back to the epic Mahabharata where this city is a major part of the Dravidian Kingdom.

Kanchi is a land of many historic temples and of all Kamakshi Amman is one of the most important temples.
We offer different kind of tour packages from Tirupati to Kanchipuram through our taxis, and also cover different locations like Tiruttani, Kanipakam, Arunachalam and Vellore Golden temple as part of this trip.
We cover Tiruttani on the way to Kanchipuram. Please note that, during Abhishekam timings, normal pilgrims who doesn’t have Abhishekam tickets won’t be allowed for Darshanam.
We cover Vishnu Kanchi, Shiva Kanchi and Kamakshi Amma temple in Kanchipuram.
Another important point to note is that, the temple opens at 6 AM and closes at 12.00 PM, again opens at 4 PM and remains till 8 PM. So, travellers need to plan accordingly.
Taxi/Cab fare from Tirupati to Kanchipuram
Taxi to Kanchipuram from Tirupati is calculated based on kilometres travelled, temple parking and toll charges. Temple parking for 4 + 1 it is 60/-, 7 + 1 it is 100/- and it is 150/- for tempo traveller. Toll charges is for 4 + 1 is 150/-, 7 + 1 is 250/- and 13 + 1 it is 300/- State tax is additional thing which you need to pay while entering Kanchipuram and this differs from vehicle to vehicle. The details are as follows: 4 + 1 taxi is 200/-, for 7 + 1 it is 900/- and for 13 + 1 it is 1500/- and it is valid for a week in Tamil Nadu state. The table below gives you total taxi charges including parking, toll and charges for number of kilometres.
Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Price |
Sedan (Etios/ Dzire) | 4 + 1 | 4800/- |
Minivan (Innova) | 7 + 1 | 7400/- |
Minivan (Innova Crysta) | 7 + 1 | 8200/- |
Minibus (Traveller) | 12 + 1 | 11500/- |
Tirumala To Kanchipuram Taxi/Cab fare
All charges that are mentioned in Tirupati to Kanchipuram will be remain same. Apart from that there will be toll charges charged at the Tirumala hill entrance and extra kilometres travelled inside Tirumala is additionally charged.Following are the detailed price details from Tirumala to Kanchipuram.
Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Price |
Sedan (Etios/ Dzire) | 4 + 1 | 5800/- |
Minivan (Innova) | 7 + 1 | 9000/- |
Minivan (Innova Crysta) | 7 + 1 | 9500/- |
Minibus (Traveller) | 12 + 1 | 14000/- |
Renigunta/ Tirupati airport to Kanchipuram Taxi fare
If customer is picked up from Renigunta airport or Renigunta railway station, then the parking charges at the railway station will be added to the taxi fare and since it is 20 KM away from Tirupati, those kilometres will also be added apart from Tirupati to Kanchipuram fare.
Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Price |
Sedan (Etios/ Dzire) | 4 + 1 | 5200/- |
Minivan (Innova) | 7 + 1 | 8000/- |
Minivan (Innova Crysta) | 7 + 1 | 8800/- |
Minibus (Traveller) | 12 + 1 | 12500/- |
Kanchipuram one day trip from Tirupati
One day trip to Kanchipuram includes from Tirupati to Tiruttani journey time which takes around 1 hour 40 minutes and 70 KM away plus Tiruttani to Kanchipuram which is 50 KM and journey time is around 1 hour 30 minutes. So, total time to travel to Kanchipuram is around 3 hours and total kilometres is around 110 KM. Average darshan timing in Tiruttani takes around 1 hour and in Kanchipuram all 3 temples it is 2 hours.
Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Price |
Sedan (Etios/ Dzire) | 4 + 1 | 4800/- |
Minivan (Innova) | 7 + 1 | 7400/- |
Minivan (Innova Crysta) | 7 + 1 | 8200/- |
Minibus (Traveller) | 12 + 1 | 11500/- |
Tirupati to Kanchipuram via Kanipakam
When customer plan to cover Kanchipuram and Kanipakam together in a day, our taxi can cover Srinivasa Mangapuram, Kanipakam, Kanchipuram, Tiruttani and drop back to Tirupati. So, firstly the taxi takes you from Tirupati to Srinivasa Mangapuram which is 16 KM and travel time is around 25 mins. From there, you will be taken to Kanipakam which is around 55 Km from Srinivasa Mangapuram and travel time is 1 hour 30 mins and from there to reach Kanchipuram it takes around 2 hour 30 minutes and 110 KM. On the way back to Tirupati we can cover Tiruttani based on available time and it is 110 KM to return back to Tirupati. Taxi fare for Kanchipuram via Kanipakam is as follows.
Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Price |
Sedan (Etios/ Dzire) | 4 + 1 | 5800/- |
Minivan (Innova) | 7 + 1 | 8600/- |
Minivan (Innova Crysta) | 7 + 1 | 9300/- |
Minibus (Traveller) | 12 + 1 | 11700/- |
Tirupati to Kanchipuram to Arunachalam
We at Tirupati Trip suggest you to plan your trip for two days to cover more places like Srinivasa Mangapuram, Kanipakam, Vellore golden temple, and Arunachalam (night halt). Second day Kanchipuram, Tiruttani and drop back to Tirupati. It comes around 520 KM to cover all the temples including Darshnams. Below are pricing details for 2 days and if you want to plan for 1-day program you can shorten the places to cover. Please call us on our number +91-9700043215 and we will discuss in detail.
Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Price |
Sedan (Etios/ Dzire) | 4 + 1 | 7900/- |
Minivan (Innova) | 7 + 1 | 11600/- |
Minivan (Innova Crysta) | 7 + 1 | 12600/- |
Minibus (Traveller) | 12 + 1 | 15600/- |
Tirupati to Kanchipuram to Mahabalipuram
Kanchipuram to Mahabalipuram is around 70 KM and travel time is around 1 hour 40 minutes. If it is only dropping, our taxi can cover the trip in a day or else it takes 2 days’ time. Below is the price for one day plan. Please call us for more detail’s information on +91-9700043215.
Vehicle Type | Seating Capacity | Price |
Sedan (Etios/ Dzire) | 4 + 1 | 6500/- |
Minivan (Innova) | 7 + 1 | 9600/- |
Minivan (Innova Crysta) | 7 + 1 | 10400/- |
Minibus (Traveller) | 12 + 1 | 13000/- |
Tirupati to Kanchipuram Tour Package
Tirupati To Kanchipuram car travel package vary depends on the temples that you want to visit. We are purely in to taxi services and all above packages are given with different combinations of prices by covering different temples. Please call us on our mobile for further assistance.
Charges are as mentioned above
History Of Kanchipuram
The temple was built by Pallava Kings in 6 A.D. The main temple is called Gayatri Mandap and the goddess here has three forms Kamakshi Amman, Sri Bilahasam and Sri Chakram. The main deity of Kamakshi Amman is seated in a padmasana (Yogic posture) which signifies peace and prosperity. The deity holds Sugarcane in one arm and a flowered bow in other arms. It is believed that by chanting Lalitha Sahasranam in this place, one can be peaceful and happy in their life. Famous scholar Adhi Sankaracharya has denoted Sree-Chakram in the temple premises to reduce the anger of Goddess.
The deity of Kamakshi Amman is considered as one among 18 Maha Shakthi Peetas. ‘Ka’ means Goddess Saraswathi, ‘Ma’ means Goddess Lakshmi and ‘Kshi’ means eyes which indicates that the deity here has the power of Goddess Saraswathi ( Goddess of Knowledge) and Goddess Lakshmi ( Goddess for wealth) in her both eyes.
According to Siva Puranam, the goddess has made a Sivalinga out of soil here and started offering prayers to Lord Shiva. To test the goddess, Lord Shiva in the form of Kambha River raised the tides to destroy the Lingam but the goddess protected the Idol with her two hands. Another legend says that Goddess has performed pooja by sitting on the tip of the needle surrounded by 5 fires (Pancha-Agni) and Lord Shiva, impressed by her dedication married the goddess.